How it works

Real® makes it easy to deliver fresh content and CTAs to customers throughout the life of the product.

  • Brand Impact
  • Product Experience
  • CTA
  • Real QR Codes
  • Cloud Hosting
  • Analytics
Minimalistic products on store shelves

We deliver IMPACT for your brand and the world.

Consumers want to feel their choices are part of the solution vs. part of the problem.

The Real® company directory search employs filters for six research-based impact areas. Follow our impact guide to deliver your brand’s unique message.

We deliver contextual digital experiences.

Most codes send customers back to where they bought the product — adding zero value.

Marketing shouldn’t end at the POS. Real guides you through appreciating the moment a customer has your product in hand to answer FAQs and build effective CTAs.

There is no better moment to build your brand! Create a unique experience for your product by following our product experience guide.

We organize your content and codes.

Each product experience has a unique Real QR code that never changes, gets overwritten or lost. Real® Codes are not dependent on your website’s structure and can always be found and downloaded for new campaigns or print runs.

We provide Real® analytics to understand what matters.

Real analytics show you what product and brand information is being accessed to help determine what your customers really care about.

We do not collect personally identifiable information on customers or sell our data to third parties. Contact us to learn more about how you can leverage Real analytics for your business.

We make managing and publishing a snap.

Updating content and media and changing CTAs has never been easier.

In addition to updating your brand’s impact, Real gives you easy-to-use tools to refresh a product experience or change the a CTA whenever needed. Your business and priorities are evolving, Real gives you the means to bring product that might still be on the shelf or in consumers homes, right along with it.

Give customers the information they want from your brand.

Real App - 5 star review

We serve your content from the cloud.

Every second counts. Slower page response time results in an increase in page abandonment.

Real Cloud hosting means your content is pushed out to the edge of the cloud, as close to your customers as possible, so they receive your content quickly! Further, for security purposes, all your content is encrypted at rest — meaning no funny business!

And we make it easy for your customers to find the information they need.

Help influence the purchase decision and enhance ownership with Real®.

The Real® App maintains a list of scanned products for easy reference anytime in the future. With Real, customers will always have access to helpful content well after the instructions are lost and the packaging is discarded.


Give customers the information they want from your brand.