Frequently Asked Questions
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See if we have answered it below.

For Brand Owners & Customers
- How are companies selected to be featured in the app?
At Authentic Labs we believe in progress over perfection. We first select brands based on popularity and relevance, but evaluate them against our core impact areas: Environment, Ethical Supply Chain, Community, Diversity, and Product Safety. Companies must have commitments to and/or efforts within at least one of these areas to be featured.
- How can you be sure Real codes are not knocked off?
Every Real code is unique and backed with multi-layer encrypted security before being authenticated in the cloud through our proprietary, cloak-and-dagger processes. Some of this technical wizardry takes place on your device before being validated by AI-based anti-counterfeiting processes on our servers.
- What is the rationale behind the categories listed for each brand?
Ultimately, we believe in holistic sustainability and ethical behavior and so our impact categories – Environment, Ethical Supply Chain, Community, Diversity, and Product Safety – reflect all elements of sustainability including people, planet and process.
- Where do you source the information for each company listing?
All of the app’s content is sourced directly from brand-owned websites and reporting. In each section there is a hyperlink to the source where you can learn more. We do not use any third-party data, news, or opinions in company listings. If your company is interested in expanding its listing, please fill out the form on our Contact page.
For Brands
- I am a brand owner, how do I provide input to my listing?
We’re always looking to work with brands to expand listing content. To get started, fill out the form on our Contact page.
- I want to learn more about protecting my products with Real labels. How do I get started?
We are excited to create codes for you! Head to our Contact page and fill out the form to get started.
- What is the key difference between the two brand listing levels?
A Real Signature brand listing gives you unlimited, real-time content editing and analytics access. You also have the ability to share sustainability efforts with customers.
The Real Pro Listing has all the benefits of a Signature Listing, but goes further with more listing options and the ability to include social media links, promo codes, and more.
- What is the main benefit of the Serialized Codes?
Serialized Codes offer a deeper level of brand protection by providing product authentication with anomaly detection so you can add track & trace visibility into your supply chain and reduce the chance of counterfeit. Moreover, Real Serialized Codes build trust with consumers by letting them know the product in their hand is genuine.
For Consumers
- How do I scan products to verify authenticity?
Locate the Real code that looks like this:
Align the Real code with the center of the camera. The Real app will do the rest!
- My favorite brand is not in the app. Can I request it to be added?
Yes! Please send an email to with the subject line: New Company Request. We promise to respond via email within 7 business days to either report a new listing has been created in the app or with the rationale for why we don’t believe the brand is a good fit.