Brand Protection & Authentication

Anti-counterfeiting technology that puts cunsumer demands at the forfront of its utility.

Grow brand trust with authentication and meaningful content

Level up your message

Reach your customers with new programs and promotions while reinforcing your brand’s promise and authenticity. Real is a mobile retail solution that ensures your customers get real brand products, real brand visibility, and real brand value.

Real serialized codes can be employed as a standalone solution or added to your existing anti-counterfeit solution for enhanced consumer trust and security.

Real® offers affordable brand protection

Real® serialized codes

Provided digitally or printed and ready to apply.

Serialized Real codes are securely-generated with multi-layer authentication and ready to apply per single SKU, Family, or Brand assignment. Codes can be authenticated with or without the Real app.

Real offers single layer and multi-layer approaches to match the level of protection needed for your products.

What we do

Secure your products

Secure, randomly generated codes printed on durable label stock with blackout and an aggressive adhesive to prevent tampering. We oversee, generate and provide everything to protect your brand.

Deliver your message

The Real® by Authentic Labs app is maintained for iOS and Android with expanded features and, should they ever arise, bug fixes. Once scanned, product infomation is always available by your customers.

Manage your content

Cloud-based hosting of the Real® Dashboard CMS on AWS with S3 ensures that your product and CSR information is delivered fast, right into the hands of customers 24/7. All data stored securely and encrypted at rest.

Provide insightful analytics

Product and brand engagement analytics paired with geolocation information down to the city level provide unique insight into the last mile for both marketing and supply chains. Contact us to learn more.

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